Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Black Mask

I decided to go to bed early that night. My head hurt really badly. Quickly I told my parents good night and got ready for bed. The blankets were warm as I got in. Curling up I closed my eyes. Usually I don’t dream, but tonight was different. As a wave of tiredness swept over me I found myself walking along a dark hallway. Lightning lit up the long hallway to reveal blood red walls. Pictures hung all over the walls, their faces I knew I recognized, all around me their voices and whispers surrounded me as they flowed in the cool chilling wind around me, sending shivers down my back. I knew I recognized them from somewhere. I turned my attention to these large doors that stood at the end of the hallway pulling me towards them. Like an unknown force I couldn't control. Inch by inch I neared them. Soon I was standing right in front of them towering over me. I noticed they were black and ancient looking. The smell of old rotting wood stung my nose. When I touched the door handles I noticed it was wet. Looking at my hand, I could see it was covered in thick warm dark liquid that dripped slowly from my hand. My heart raced with fear. My body wanted to run but my mind kept urging me forward. I opened the door and walked in. At first I found my self in a huge old empty ballroom. Dust covered everything making the room dull, musty, and uninviting. Suddenly the door slammed behind me. Turning I ran to it trying to open it but it was locked. Then a sound ever so gently came from behind me. It wasn’t just any sound, it was music. Slowly I turned to find the ballroom lit up and full of people dancing and cheering. Some looked at me and smiled, waving to me to join them. I wanted to so badly. Soon I found myself dancing in circles. Instead of my pajamas I now wore a beautiful elegant light blue dress that flowed out from as I twirled from one set of arms to the next. I finally stopped dancing finding myself back at the door. A feeling of fear crept back on m taking the happiness away from me. Then I realized that someone was staring at me. A man from far off on the other side of the ballroom. Unlike everyone else he wore all black attire. A cloak hung from his shoulders and a tall hat sat on his head. His face was covered by a black masquerade mask but still I had a felling I knew him. I then realized I knew all these people who were dancing from somewhere to. But where? I wondered. The man started to walk towards me his footsteps pacing at the same time as the beat of my heart. Thump! Thump! Thump! Who was he? screamed my mind! The windows in the room burst open sending chilling cold air into the room. The candles in the chandelier blew out letting the only light in the room disappear. Not even the moon let in light. The wonderful cheerful people had stopped dancing and turned to watch as the strange man walked towards me. Some sobbed in agony. Their faces pale and covered in pain and fear. Where had all their happiness gone to? Why are they so sad? I wanted to know so badly. The man took off his hat and mask letting them fall and blow away in the wind. Instead of face though their was nothing but bone and rotting flesh. He smiled a wretched smile that made the hairs on my neck stand straight up. All I wanted to do was get out but the door wouldn’t open! I screamed but no one came to help me they just stood their watching. I ran up to a man nearest to me. “ Help me please!” I screamed. But he just looked at me with his eyes full of sympathy and pain and turned away leaving me helpless. “ Come back please! Help me someone….anyone!” They all just stared at me and they to turned away. As my heart sped so did he drawing nearer to me by the second. At last he stood arms length away towering over me. I wanted to back farther away but I couldn’t go any further. My back leaned against the cold doors that stood like a wall. The dead mans breath stung my eyes and nose. His hand slowly reached up and he let his fingers gently stroke my chin then down towards my neck where he suddenly grabbed my neck. “ I’m sorry my love…” His chilling voice said as his cold hand was sucking the warmth from me. Taking the air from my lungs. His other hand then lifted up a small dagger that glinted in the moonlight. Suddenly with a quick flash he smiled and plunged the dagger in my heart sending sears of pain pulsing through my body. I looked at his face to see him smiling his wretched smile. Then all went black. I woke up with a jolt still feeling the pain and fear. My body was sweating and my head throbbed. Putting my feet on the floor I reached over and turned on the side table light, to find the Black masquerade mask sitting their. From behind me my door creaked open. “ Nice to see you again….my love” said the same deadly voice from my Nightmare.